Life is unpredictable. At some time you may be faced with a significant illness or injury. Eventually, you and your family will have to face your mortality. We all experience life transitions. You owe it to yourself and your family to declutter and organize so that your information and belongings are in order, just in case. Downsize your inventory. At a point in our lives, we kept things because they seemed important and meaningful. Later on, they may no longer serve us; it is okay to let them go.

Have an emergency plan

Friends and family should know where to find your spare key, what your blood type is, and your physician’s name and phone number. Share important information. Maintain and update a copy of important medical, family, insurance, and financial information. Share this with a trusted friend or family member. Sentiment and Emotion Decluttering and downsizing sentimental items is more difficult than other belongings. You may encounter memories and emotional attachment to those things. You don’t want someone who doesn’t understand what your possessions mean to you to make decisions for you.

You can do this on your own and with guidance from a Professional Organizer. Either way, YOU get to make the decisions about what to keep and what to let go of. Getting things in order is a proactive way…

Four helpful steps

  1. Acknowledge that change is happening
  2. Create a personal theme that defines what your life will be
  3. Identify the different kinds of clutter that exist in your life
  4. Get ready to shred your stuff

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